in honor of the bicentennial of the victory of russian troops over the swedish corps of general elvingaopthe battle near the village of lesnaya. september 28, 1708, during the northern war, a battle took place between the russian troops led by peter i and the sixteen thousand strong swedish corps of general lewenhaupt. the lack of provisions and reinforcements for the swedish army deprived it of the opportunity to implement its plans for a campaign against moscow. the spirit of the russian army rose. this operation was called by peter i the mother of the battle of poltava. a memorial complex, the chapel of the apostle peter and a monument in honor of the victory of the russian troops were erected on the site of the battle in 1908, where the russian eagle proudly rises above the defeated swedish banner, as well as. a bramor obelisk on the mass grave. the opening of the temple took place on july 12, 1912, on the day of the feast of st. peter and paul. the church was built according to the design of the architect gagen. it is made in the pseudo-russian style and is a stone building of a centr