elvira. remember elvira, the vampire? >> looks nothing like her. it's a great pair.fter a 15-month pregnancy. that has got to be tough. when she was born she was nearly 6 feet tall and weighed 160 pounds. zookeepers say she's doing great. look how adorable, how can you not love it? i love these stories, i love stories about cute little animals like that. >> okay, all right. we'll be back with more relevant things after this. >> keep them coming. things after this. >>> welcome back, everybody. hey, check it out. she's using the mr. clean magic eraser bath scrubber. i've heard of it, but i haven't seen one up close. what's the word around the sink? that it removes 3 times more soap scum per swipe, and it came from outer space. it is not from outer space! no, man, it's from outer space. they're aliens on an intergalactic cleanliness mission. they're here to clean up the universe. oh, the kitchen scrubbers are aliens, too? yeah, look at that greasy kitchen mess. everybody's in on the cleanspiracy, man. i can't even trust myself. [ male announcer ] mr. clean magic eraser