they kingdom come, thy will be done, einstein, james dean, brooklyn's got a winning team, elvis presley disneyand... amen! and get this out. get a load of the so-called improvements. the new nicene creed. the 1700-year-old profession of what all catholics must believe has been tweaked. it now describes jesus not as the understandable one in being with the father but as consubstantial with the father. really? consubstantial? what the hell does that mean? (laughter) we're trying to get into heaven here, not take the s.a.t.s. (laughter) and for the record... (cheers and applause) and for the record, co consubstantial is now istanbul. (laughter) folks, i don't think i'm overstating it when i say this is the single biggest scandal ever to hit the catholic church. (laughter) i certainly refuse to think of another. (laughter) the worst of all, with these weird new changes, now when i'm sitting in the pew i have to stop and actually think about what i'm saying instead of mindlessly reciting words while playing fruit ninja on my iphone. now, just because i think the pope dropped the ball on this one do