elwa is part of the new generation pursuing a career in travel and entrepreneurship.of tourism and innovation in rwanda. so it's important then to show the world there is more to rwanda than just gorillas? yes. what about the beautiful tea estates, what about the coffee? what about kayaking? you can stay over on an island overnight and it's a beautiful experience. we have the monkey island that you can see something that is exciting, something that people love but they don't know. and how do the local people feel about it? are they excited to welcome tourists into the area? as rwandans, it's part of our culture. so they are excited to see it. we see the kids running around trying to grab you a kayak. it's been an incredibly wild and exciting day and i am certainly onboard for more this year. while the history of the genocide will never be forgotten, these travel experiences really shows a different side of rwanda. everywhere you turn there is just something new on offer. this place really is amazing. the people here have been so eager to welcome me on my first ever tr