the other car, which is a bit fancier, was made by elwood haynes of kokomo. he made his first car in 1894. however, he was quite the promoter. he sent his car to the smithsonian, saying it was the first car made in the united states. now we are in global indiana. that looks at the cultural explosion, economic growth after world war ii. you have the baby boom, the rise of youth culture, new consumer goods from transistor radios made here to popular music, all varieties of culture and of everyday life. one of those things central to indiana, which predates the postwar period is indiana basketball. we were one of the first states where basketball really took off. you could play it with a small team so even a tiny school surrounded by farms could compete. it has become nationally famous, most prominently through the movie, "hoosiers." "hoosiers" fictionalizes the story of a tiny high school that became the state champion after beating one of the big powerhouse schools. they made it to the championship after a last-minute shot won the regional game against muncie