know, well, it is not without that the situation that, after all, well, there are these zhduny, er, again, i return to the story about elya the girl who died , er, six-year-old, her grandmother and grandfather, they were just with them, and unfortunately, we cannot bring any responsibility because they did not have guardianship, her mother in donetsk which well, we understand why she is sitting there, which looks grandfather and grandmother were waiting for, this is the real face of the russian world, and thank god sashka has a future, but the children in the city still remain and again well, we do this every day, communicating with the locals well, unfortunately, very little we are heard very little and it requires it some kind, actually, at the national level, some kind of decision , including probably from the parliament, probably from the cabinet of ministers, so we will raise this issue for a certain period of time. it is important for us to have 60 children only in avdiivka every day. nara, this is a danger only because of the position of their parents, we will not allow it. we will not we can allow that, for exampl