will fight together against any pro migrant stances from politicians they say such as france's emanuel matt corn and it seems that this is a shtick that many voters like and seem to be viewing towards if you look at the trend over the last year or so there has been a movement towards these anti immigrant parties they've been good results for them in countries such as sweden germany your son whoever believes you should mainstream media were shocked after the election c.n.n. invited people who voted for barack obama but not hillary clinton. or anybody both for anybody nobody but you. and you are never going to get it and it will be looked at so i guess. i did it. she scared me in america politics is often the case nowadays firmly tied to identity so ironic as it may seem perhaps not so surprising that self-proclaimed feminists and women's rights defenders now lecture women on how to vote and what to think that's public shaming is a it's a harmful thing it's harmful in any society and it's using people that disagree with your opinion to come out and just shame the ref you see women attacking w