is the man who, when he was deputy mayor and planning commissioner, had a lot to do with the embarcadero uc today. -- you see today. he has given so much of his time to san francisco to make it a better place. we joined today in celebrating america's first big city publicly owned transportation system owned by the people themselves. today, it is a landmark of the progressivism that has marked our city for a century. the historic streetcar we rededicate today, is a city symbol of the history. it carried generations of san franciscans around the city to shop, to work, to learn, to play. it almost certainly carried my grandparents when they lived on utah st. and is america's first publicly owned big city streetcar, it almost certainly qualifies to be sitting on display at the smithsonian, but we in san francisco had a better place for it than that. because we put our history to work. we embrace our hats, but we give it a job to do to benefit our present and helped enrich our future -- we embrace our past. we invite the world to use our streetcars as part of our regular transit service to get t