and loved ones of those poor souls that died tonight but for now dr richard bloom officer at the embry riddle they were nautical university united states thanks ever so much. thank you ok let's get some details of that tragic plane crash in central russia again and refresh ourselves on the tragic events of the evening it was a boeing seven three seven jet traveling from moscow. apparently lost altitude exploded during its second landing attempt none of the fifty people on board survived two children the eldest son of tatarstan is president deed or among those who were killed monday as a day of mourning for the victims in we don't yet know what exactly caused the crash as we've been saying at length investigators are looking at a variety of reasons though including maybe technical problems or pilot error or a combination of both rescuers looking for those flight recorders two of them to try and figure out more details that boeing a seven three seven five hundred plane had been in use since one thousand nine hundred tada stan been using it for five years. shortly after the crash out of the savi