so emelyanovich until denis than you would have seen pasha six months before his death, dirty, unkempt, hungry all the time. how can you explain this to his mother who didn't give a damn about him? what, she even, when she came to school , yelled at him all the time, with such children patience is needed. not true, i loved my son. i will ask everyone to remain calm. as a frightened, withdrawn boy, it was only when he moved to his grandmother that he somehow began to open up and began to study better, and that’s all because he was taken care of. he was loved. but he is very he was smart, as for such children, and he drew very well. and what can you say to the inhabitants of the mother? when my grandmother broke her leg and asked them to take pasha away, they arrived drunk. he still then the whole evening pasha was called a moron and threatened, what are you persecuting? she is lying all mukhin, i warn you for the first and last time today. yes, she was sleeping, she was covering him with the former, bailiff take citizen mukhin out of the hall. and i'm what i am. i'm nothing, i'm just th