program income amount on page 2 is amended from 6 million 9 hundred $6,963,291. those are the only amendments on that resolution. on the emergency solutions grant, resolution which is number 130490, the original amount of 1 million $1,528,852 has been amended to 1 million 1 hundred $1,182,146. that is the only amendment on that resolution. on the home resolution which is 130489 the original amount of 3 million 7 hundred $3,763,707 is amended to 4 million. and the program income -- the total amount of 3 million 4 hundred $3,493,707 is amended to 4 million 1 hundred $4,113,100 and that's the only amendment on that rez collusion and the final resolution item 130491 and the total is amended from $9,000,400 to 8 million 6 hundred $8,633,125 and the total amount including the program fund is amended from 11 million $11,071,158. that's the only resolution. the reason for these multiple amendments, prior to receiving it, hud advised us to have a 5 percent decrease with all programs and it was not 5 percent, some where higher, some where lower. all the expenditure schedules and the environmental review and it has been realigned with the actual hud alloc