emerging tech. you can e-mail us at emerging tech or call us, (415) 554-4577. and thank you again for this opportunity. i'm happy to answer questions. >> maybe, you can flip back to the accessibility and safety recommendations as council members formulate their questions? >> co-chair blacksten: ok, alex, you're first up. >> council member madrid: thank you for coming. i have a lot of questions have you done any research on what is available right now and what can be used in the future as you are in the process of this type of new best practices. and second is that what are the things that you personally think should be included besides these recommended right now? >> i can take those. so, to your first question, alex. so i just want to clarify what you mean in the first part. so in terms of research about what has been done about which piece? >> council member madrid: on what other cities -- >> i see. >> council member madrid: -- and departments are doing with it. there is a lot of going on about accessibility and best practices, what have you guys done any or