president of the republic of zimbabwe emerson dambudzo-mnangadwa. the moderator of the plenary session is sergey karaganov. and good afternoon, friends, yes, dear gentlemen presidents, and dear colleagues, dear friends, and i have been given a great honor, and it has been a great pleasure to take you to my homeland, my homeland, spent 10 years in one prison, two in another, survived , had two death sentences when he became president, he overturned the death sentence on his side. good afternoon, dear friends, colleagues! dear mr. abse, dear mr. manangawa, dear guests, friends, ladies and gentlemen, i am very pleased to welcome you all to the twenty-seventh st. petersburg international economic forum. this year, over 19 thousand people from more than a hundred countries around the world became its participants and guests. these are shareholders and leaders of leading companies, recognized. experts and analysts, political, public, government figures. traditionally, the forum in st. petersburg provides an opportunity not only to establish business conta