it is chaired by brian strong who just presented, and my boss emery rogers. one of the first kind of products the committee developed was a sea level rise action plan, which came out in 2016. you can see here the vision from that plan to make san francisco a more resilient city in the face of sea level rise. and that plan also set out a series of steps of what we should be undertaking to help the city become more resilient citywide to sea level rise. so the first step there was to review and understand the science involved in sea level rise. and what we should be expecting and projecting out by the end of the century. we have done that and worked with folks in both the state and our local government to do that. and then the next step is to assess the vulnerability of the city and the risk of the city to sea level rise and what are the consequences. so similar to the hazard in climate resilience plan, we are looking at vulnerability and consequences. and that's the report i'm going to present on today. and we are going to have a final draft and expect to be pu