. >> reporter: one of the listeners who was moved was emiko okada. she was hit by the bomb at theh age of 8. >> translator: obama spoke about the people beneath the mushroom cloud, and all the precious young lives that were taken. i thought he understood really well what happened in hiroshima. and nagasaki. >> reporter: but not everyone was so happy with what they heard. >> translator: i expected d oba to comment more clearly. i wanted him to say more concrete things. >> reporter: survivors want to see the world rid of nuclear weapons. but many still exist. one study puts the amount at more than 15,000, spread among nine couountries. mainly the u.s. and russia. but recent tensions between them have hindered the disarmament process. during obama's time in power, the u.s. has destroyed around 700. one of the smallest amounts since the end of the cold war. after getting the chance to convey their message to obama, many survivors are watching g t see how much progress he will leaves office in eight months. takakafumi terui, nhk world. >>> china is invest