have johanna vollhardt who spent her career studying how victims respond to aggression, we have emil koch ora who is a psychiatrist like myself but competent interested in psychiatric illnesses that carry with them the additional burden. then adrian-- adrian raines who is interested in premeditateed aggression which is really a different entity so we have not only an extremely important topic perhaps the most important topic confronting all of us today but we couldn't have a better group of people discussing it. so we're in for fantastic. >> rose: let's begin with david anderson in understanding the biology of aggression. >> so charlie, we're basic neuroscientists in my lab. and we want to understand some of the most fundamental questions about aggression. how is aggression which is an evolutionaryly an shent behavior you see if throughout the animal king dom, how is it hard wired into the brain. where is aggression in the brain. and we've studied this problem in flies and in mice. and we're particularly interested in the relationship between the parts of the brain that control aggression and