for the record my name is emil lawrence. i've spoken before this commission, many other commissions [speaker not understood] to other commissions many times in the past. for the record, i think also that what do we have to do to get dennis herrera to investigate luis herrera? are they relatives? is that what's stopping you? what's in your power to get to you do that when the corruption is on the surface? i'm not going to spend much time on this issue at this moment, but i think you should look at that. your job is to basically observe and also listen to citizens of the county. and when you see corruption, to get somebody to investigate it. very briefly for the rest of my time, i'm going to ask this commission, this board of supervisors to have a moment of silence for mr. paul courier who ran for mayor, had the guts to run for mayor, spent 5,000 with no political machine, who died of a heart attack earlier this year. if we have more citizens of the county and city doing likewise, we wouldn't have many of the problems that we