for the record, my name is emil lawrence. i've been a resident of the city and county of san francisco for 40 years, 43 to be exact. i've been locked in this charade on the budget analysis for the sfmta. i want the pros and conses are for metering on sunday. i'm a taxi driver in san francisco and i'm regulated by the sfmta. they don't allow taxis to raise and lower their taxis to raise their fees any day but they allow ubers to do so. they allow an instant cab to do so. they raise the signage by 6% on an annual basis while they shrink taxi driver performance and income by 30 to 70% on given days. we have an agency here that is technically out of control, a out of control from the performance office [speaker not understood]. their performance is 55, 50%. [speaker not understood]. the whole muni transportation system should be sold outright to google. then we'd get on-time performance without a problem. they're competing with taxis today. they're competing with buses today. and they're competing with delivery systems today. and