emile henry linda if most of his time in paris, almost all he lived in one place and he looked down on paris, the fancy quarters and he hated that. so on a day in february 1894 he took his, and walked up the avenue toward that kind of guild of wedding cake and he went to one restaurant, the cafe american, and there weren't enough people to kill so he went to the restaurant that is no longer there and he went to the opera and wasn't just appropriately so he could not get into the opera to kill. then he went to a cafe that is still there but it wasn't fallen off so he ended up going to this cafe terminus just around the corner and he went in and bought two beers, anarchists used to debate a lot whether he had paid for the beer or not. they argued over the right to theft and most anarchists for non-farmers of course, and must not leave it and that it. he paid for his two beers and he sat there for a while so the place filled up and people are going in and out, listening to some music, bad music before they went home after having drunk a beer, went home to bed and ordered a cigar. he laugh