take the diary of emily davis, an african-american servant and student, alongside recording her grief and her multiple attempts to the views of -- to view the president's body, davis also recorded visits with female friends, a sore throat, and whether or not her suitor had come by. that attention to daily life didn't diminish the meaning of emily davis's tribute to lincoln. we also know from the diary that her two brothers have fought in the war. she attended a jubilee celebration for the emancipation proclamation, and listened to a lecture by friendly -- frederick douglass months earlier. this diary and other personal writings made clear that mourners turned to matters of everyday life without apology or compunction for measure of consolation. a rare self-conscious immersion in everyday life as a form of consolation. from ohio, and man wrote to his friend in pennsylvania. henry was getting married and frank would not be able to attend the wedding. henry has his franÇais -- his fiancÉe had long set the date for april, which turned out to be the date of president against funeral. -- pr