joining us live now is emily dreyfuss. she's the culture editor at the standard. ily, welcome to the show. >> thanks so much for having me. oh, yeah. >> this is a fun one, especially now after thanksgiving. everybody starts thinking about doing their holiday shopping. but tell us why the standard decided to put together a local shopping list. >> you know, san francisco is known for being a place where artists live. people flock here for the creativity of the city, and there's just so many unique and amazing artisans making stuff and really great, fun places to shop for the holiday season that we wanted to highlight some of our favorite makers, and some of the places where we're going to be doing our own holiday shopping for our readers. >> got it. okay, so what types of vendors you sought out? i already understand you saw local, right? kind of unique, but what categories, what kinds of things are they making and selling? >> we really wanted to go run the gamut from like really expensive pieces to the $4,000 sheep, sheep skin stools that i think you're going to see