. >> good afternoon commissioners my name is emily lynn associate director of housing develop. i have here with me daniel solomon our architect who will give you the design presentation, as well as christopher cummings, the project manager who is also here and available to address questions. i just wanted to say this is a significant milestone for us to be in front of the planning commission again with this project. it was in 2009 that the commission approved the original project as 100 units of aaffordable housing. and shortly after that, the project was shelved due to lack of financing at the city, state and federal levels. we spent several years looking for alternative sources of funding and it was in 2013 with the support of the mayor's office of housing and community development, that we are able to be competitive and secure an additional $10 million of funding from the state. so we have the funds necessary to proceed with the project at this time. unfortunately, we did reduce the size of the building. as away to reduce construction costs. however we're still providing 83