first up will be emily morase and mara keely who has a lot of history about the worker and the city around comparable worth and followed by vickey callahan. then we go into q and a and have other speakers as well but after emily might need to open it up for public comment so we can someone from the public to speak at this part of the presentation. >> thank you very much supervisor avalos and thanks to members of the committee for inviting us today. i am going to give you a brief overview of comparable worth nationally and in san francisco. first slide please. so comparable worth began in 1942 in terms of general order 16 issued by the labor board. basically the federal government decided to adjust wages for women to equal men doing work of comparable work and quality. you can imagine when the men were at war the women were doing the work. the order remedied was a job assessment to determine the value of the work so that's really the origin of the discussion. in 1955 the u.s. census bureau reported that women earned 64% of what men earned. in 1963 there was a federal equal pay act that was