. >> then i looked a little more and i saw emily van camp. like you. >> jimmy: she put on a lot of weight. [ laughter ] yeah, that is me. why did they label me emily van camp? >> i asked him. >> jimmy: what did he say? >> he said, well, the pictures, you know, the pictures got wet and we took them out and we aired them out and then we put them back and we just never bothered to -- [ laughter ] >> jimmy: well, they're very busy over there. >> i know. this is emily van camp and in his blond hair jimmy kimmel. >> jimmy: yeah. they probably don't know who either one of us are. i think that's flattering but i don't think it actually is. [ laughter ] now, your kids are -- i met your son before. >> i know. because he said to me -- i said i was going to do the show, and he said, you're going to do -- you know gjimmy kimmel? and i said, well, i'm going to meet him. and he says, do you know who he is? i said, well, i think so. and he said, no, no, no, mom, do you know who he does? i said, well, i guess. he said, he makes his own pizza, mom. [ laughter