we have emily white and greg smith here from red cross who are part of our advisory team. alyssa domo who carries the flag forward being executive director and working with a lot of nonprofits in san francisco and even extending elsewhere now. now a lot of the work that's being done is being done throughout the state. also here hodge who is a huge partner from the faith community here in the bay area representing hunters point bayview area and just did a tremendous job in boosting awareness and preparing that community for a lot of different hazards that could strike them. also yokilly recommendo. another intermediary group that works with nonprofits. once again, the bay area is just an incubator, just so important in terms of this whole concept. i also wanted to mention a lot of the work that's done in the private sector. michael cummings. i worked with him when i was with fritz institute. he has gone to fema. that's an important effort that fema has undertaken. something that the deputy administrator was talking about. i think the state should bring somebody in there as