for more about the global phenomenon of this video and the larger story in uganda, we turn to emira woodsacks rica developments at the institute for policy studies. and dawn arteaga, a digital strategist for the public relations firm, porter novelli in washington d.c. welcome to you both. dawn arteaga, beginning with you how big a deal, how remark able phenomenon is this video in the world of social media? >> i have to say, as far as we can tell, this is unprecedented. there's a great metrix team in new york that we've been tracking very closely. we can't find a comparison video that has gone so big so quickly. >> tell thus path this took. it did go on another web site, vim owe, late last week, i think but starting with youtube just on monday. how has it moved around? >> it's been on youtube, as you said, about three days and as we saw in the video reached about 40 million views. it's been spread by celebrities, facebook, twitter, they've used every tool in the social media tool kit to gethis out. again it's unprecedented the growth. >> when you go on youtube you can see the ages it most