. >> ♪ sweet emma barrett was born nd died in 1983. she was known for what she wore.hat in this photo. she was a wonderful musician. in her later years, she began playing at preservation hall and was a well thought out musician. we have all wonderful video of sweet emma performing in the first jazz festival. she was self-taught. it is evident in her style. er style was new orleans >> ♪ >> ok, now we have moved into the collection storage area. come this way. this is a really neat drum set here. as you can see, he was the ory time drummer for kid nd his creoleband. >> so, this would have been a jazz band that was led, of course, by kid ory. we're just happy to have this. this came to us about six years ago as a donation. here, speaking of drums, we have drums. that's one of davey dobbs' drums. ♪ many drummers think of him as the father of modern drumming, and it came with this bold, beautiful white pearl set. he played it in the latter half of his career. he would be one of the prime drummers that you see me come to the museum. >> when folks come to the museum, i would