founding fathers intended for the nation they created and ensure that the golden door that poet emma lazarus wrote of in her poem remains an open door, open to all those who dream to become an american, to contribute to this nation. we must remain in president washington's words, open to receive not only the opulent and respected, but the opposed and persecuted of all nations. looking at the plan that president trump has put forward, similar plans offered in this chamber, there's a real interest in slamming the door shut by those who have already arrived as immigrants, who have fled persecution, who have pursued freedom, who have pursued opportunity, who have escaped from famine to come in and slam the door on everyone else. it's not very american to do that, and it's not a strength to undermine the future success of our economy by draining away the extraordinary talents of our dreamer community. president johnson made the point, he said the land flourished because it was fed from so many sources -- because it was nourished by so many cultures and traditions and peoples. president ronald rea