we haven't discussed the fact that we had emma mccreary at the university of maryland. we haven't talked about the blacks down the street. louise kerr. we need a venue to house the pictures and the oral history because we know in the civil rights field that baltimore, than like any other city in america, when you look at litigation, legislation and leaders, we are second to none, but it is captured nowhere. we need a venue. many of us contend it should be at read's. it should be at read's. we say we commend the maryland historical society for having this. we hope and pray those gathered here this evening would join us, president of the southern christian leadership conference and past naacp president. i now represent reverend sharpton. i'm saying we need to house and document these before we lose them. we are only one generation away from losing it. thank you. [ applause ] >> i think dr. cheatham knows that i want read's used for a worthwhile purpose. i don't want it to be a strip club or whatever they can stick in there to apiece the black community. i want it and the