mill. sandy rizza, emma rude, rudy. hi, my name is aaron. i'm a bicyclist, transit user, public transit user, driver and current resident of d9, and i walk around the neighborhood frequently. i own a car, a clipper card and an e-bike and a pedal bike. when i leave my apartment, i always have a choice about how i want to travel around this city. the center bike lane on valencia street makes biking my most frequent choice. i took the day off work today because i know how important this decision is for my community. however, most people are not afforded the privilege to be here. the parents with kids, kids working cyclists, people who can't afford a car, tourists using bay wheels, bikes and scooter shares, people i see biking and walking down valencia street every day are not in this room. i use the valencia street bike lane most often to travel to local businesses on valencia street, namely the chapel to see shows, the roxy to see films sisters, dandelion and four barrel for coffee, panchitos, buen sabor, taiko shen pica pica and others. for a