since being appointed a prime minister early this month, now, emmanuel mycroft said that he had received from mcafee assurances that the new prime minister would push through urgently needed reforms. lebanon, in areas such as banking, finance, energy, a structural reforms, reform for micro said would definitely needed to alleviate the suffering over the lebanese people. for mcafee's part, he said that he had promised emanuel macro in their working launch, that he would do everything that he possibly could to push through those reforms that are formed absolutely key. not only, of course, for the population of lebanon, but also to unlock that much international aid. michael made it very clear after this beating that fraud remains out lebanon inside that it is a long alloy. however, over the past months, what french officials increasingly feel is that there is a sense that they have been let down to so many times by lebanese politicians. in the last 2 months, sir, london forces have rids northern mozambique of arms groups to the last 3 years. the province of covered the guard as being the t