if we can say is the world systems analysis school does people like emmanuel wallerstein capitalisms day was roughly fifteen hundred to twenty one hundred that's the arc of of capital is expensive if we can say that that's the period then what what we have to look at is what's good how is that going to be replaced because it will no socio economic arrangement lasts forever if there's anything. i mean any story and with half a brain knows that if you study history long enough what you figure out is there's only one constant and that's change and so we will move to something else and the question is first of all what is going to be and secondly how are we going to do it and my own prediction i recently. it just came out on line yesterday i think on amazon it's a collection of essays called are we there yet and the final essay is a lecture i've given a number of times over the past six or seven years called dual process the only game in town and what i say is that due process means that concomitant with the slow disintegration of capitalism which we are living through right now there is