comm'r khan: it was an emmen's ly significant executive order and credit to them for prioritizing. there is so much going on the first six months of an administration and to say i will prioritize an order on competition takes people recognizing the importance of it. i think it did a few things. first it told a story why competition matters and what happens when competition declines and the e.o. notes that it can mean higher prices and lower wages but also affects business dine missile and if people feel real opportunity in their day to day lives and it put the spotlight on agencies other than the f.t.c. and d.o.j. and said we have these enforcers of the antitrust laws but that's not the beginning and ends of competition policy. it covers all of these additional tools and authorities spanning all of these federal regulators and agencies that are in the business of shaping markets in one way or another. and the decision these agencies make be the agriculture department. transportation, are impacting whether markets are more consolidated or competitive. so we want to headache sure the