here with me in the study is emmett carson, the ceo of silicon valley community foundation.'d love to learn more what you do. >> we are a collection of some 1600 individuals, families and corporations. we aggregate the resources for investment purposes and make recommendations about worthwhile causes within silicon valley but also around the world to make things better. >> cheryl: let me talk about that, but obviously you studied the recession and a huge gap. what are you are seeing? >> we are seeing a shrinking middle-class. community foundation issued a report less than a month ago you see the middle-class shrinking. we have seen a 31% in school children, we are putting a squeeze. we're finding that increases in food assistance has gone up significantly at the food shelters. over five years we've btd $8.5 million 20 to food and shelter organizations. >> cheryl: and to think somebody in this rich area could go hungry? >> it happens every day. increases in homelessness and you see increase where families are living out of campers because of extraordinary foreclosure rate. >>