we are required to notify the property owners that something is an emnent assard and provide a deadline we want you to fix this in 5 hour or whatever we chose. if the owner fails to do it we issue an order under the signature of the director of the building department and hire somebody who does it. and we pay for it and we bill the owner with substantial charges for our time and book keeping and we don't always hire the cheapest contractor. it's expensive for the owner if they don't fix something and we fix it for them. we do that often. >> what's the housing code section on maintaining heating and water. >> chapter 7 of the housing code. it lays out the heat requirements for all the various residential uses. basically looking at section 701 of the housing code. it's at the beginning of the chapter. we have a brochure that talks specifically about the heat requirements in residential buildings. so we got those available, they are on the first floor and sixth floor. they are on the department's website much >> is the housing code on line? >> the housing code is on line by going to the de