we didn't look at each other as emnizz. -- enmies. when you actually know the other when you actually know the other person, you are less likely to call them names. i just had a great meeting with the democrats, where i have something i want to do with this person that's going to put them in the limelight. i'm going to work to improve it. people of the other party of a different philosophy, they are not the enemy. not the enemy. look for areas to agree upon. you might find something that can change the world. i have to tell you, i remember working with bono on debt forgiveness. you know, one mini had a meeting with teddy kennedy and the next with teddy kennedy and the next mini had a meeting with jesse helms so we could help people in africa. we developed the b-2 bomber. i did corporate welfare with ralph nader. i agree with -- i don't agree with ralph nader on 99-100 things. he is not the enemy. look at obama shoving obama-care down the -- we just don't have it in d.c. i'm glad we played golf and biden told me we do better next time.