for emperor hirohito and japanese militarism, the war was lost. japan sued for peace.washington, they hurried to the white house. the united states cabinet, studying japan's surrender, with full coordination of the governments of britain, china, and russia and other allies. the world remembers president franklin delano roosevelt. a grateful world honors him today. douglas macarthur, leader of pacific armies, now named supreme allied commander. chang kai-shek, leader of fighting china. harry s. truman, four months after taking the oath of president, leads his country to peace. they met in an emergency session, the president breaks the momentous news of japan's surrender. >> i have received this afternoon a message from the japanese government in reply to the message forwarded to that government by the secretary on august 11. i deem this reply a full acceptance of the potsdam declaration, which emphasized the unconditional surrender of japan. there is no qualification. arrangements are being made for the formal signing of the surrender terms at the earliest possible mome