. -- emperor hirohito.enounce war and the use of force to settle international disputes. shinzo abe and his report is considered those were the —— those with a humiliation was injapan by the victors. —— and his supporters. it isa the victors. —— and his supporters. it is a dangerous way that japan is heading. and shinzo abe's regime and administration, i am afraid about. why did the making a film about 1945 might address those issues? well, it is clearly telling how difficult it is clearly telling how difficult it is to abandon the army once we had this organisation. the emperor had to come out and speak out and such tremendous effort for everyone in the cabinet, to finish the war, to end the war, and to abandon the army to save the nation. and ifjapan end the war, and to abandon the army to save the nation. and if japan was that way again, to form a new type of army, i feel fear of what we're doing, walk into harm ‘s of army, i feel fear of what we're doing, walk into harm '5 way. of army, i feel fear of w