so for emple medicd, the plan calls for expanding medicaid by $300 llion so medicaid hmo also doell. medicarehmos are going to get cuts it could be a wa for the insance industryoverall. >> one issue aut heal-care costs are busisses are so concerned about t big and small. how do businesses makeut? >> well, big businses are probablyoping that they're going carry less of the nancial burden for emoyers who don't provide verage. that's always been a big complaint of big businesss whpay a lot for heal insurae. small employers dot have a mandate at leastn the senate versionohere's a lighter mandate that would only app for employers who have over 50 employees so they might feel good thou that they're escaping a more draconian version in the house whi calls for an 8% payrollax on ployers. >> and then what about people who already have insurae. either thrgh their work o through medice,hey have to pay more or is it status quo. >>t's a little uncleahow that's going to rk out. w we've heard a lot about people sing you are a he not going to give up your corage. and this i very kat call cause voter