employerica is the coordinator for nert. >> yes. >> tell us about the nert people to prepare and succeed in neighb. >> community preparedness is straight across the board and disaster is something we might face. it's good to be part of something more than disaster preparedness and disaster preparedness being an important component. our lives will be disrupted by a major earthquake or other event. it might be the big one but the rock slide in north beach was an example of why to get ready. >> today in the break out session what kinds of things will people hear about. >> we have a training program in the firefighter free of charge. we give people skill necessas i training and we help them branch out and meet members of the community. >> we have sophie here, sophie you are a resident of san san francisco and trained nert. why did you decide to train to be on the nert team. >> i was commuting with a friend and i announced i was pregnant he said there is no way a responsible moerth should be ready for an oerth quake. we pushed me to get training. i took the nert training probably 2 weeks lat