there are certainly subtleties like if you're gay or lesbian, or trr enandewoman, can you talk about where this existence doesn't exit when people come to you as rabbi for a consultation how to deal with an issue in the community? >> sure. it plays on all kinds of levels and layers. i choose to be in this role. it is a privilege to be a jewish community leader. with that, i choose the things that come with that in the jewish environment. people take a second look at me when they see me from the first time. so this event is unfolding and it may be and set at the synagogue that i'm visiting in and working in as a consultation. i'm an educator and someone that advanced the conversation that holds the community together and still have authentic feelings about it. the other thing is that because of my background as i person of color that is also working in the jewish community it gives me vantage points and portals that maybe pe my background and experience can uniquely make and behalf of our larger community. on one hand, there may be complications or assumptions or racist things that ha