enator stevens loved to bring people to alaska. i think alaska such a vast state.exas, mes the size of our rural communities are only accessible by air or boat and because of have running t water, et cetera. so he thought it was important to bring senators and alaska.ntatives to here's actually a photo of enator stevens in 1969 with senator ted kennedy. they are in pilot station, alaska. it was 1969, there is no email, phone service as were telegrams, so able to archivist was track down the daughter of the postmaster who is in the photo story behind e this photograph. and the daughter relayed that at idea that hey had no someone was coming to pilot big on and they saw two military aircraft approaching. and everyone in the town thought attacking viets were them. until the planes landed and obviously senator stevens and kennedy got off the plane. so that's root thing that we do s to try and track down the stories behind the photographs o give a more complete view of alaska's history and the senator's role in that. is, ome is where the heart mr. president. if that's s