canada's first nations people are increasingly recognizing their rights to land and title, and enbridge colombia, they are taking on the mining industry -- british columbia, they are taking on the mining industry. >> everything you need right here, you can get. >> this is always been a part of who we are. >> this water, all the plants, all the air that we breathe in are very sacred to us. >> if canada is found out by the world, people will be surprised. >> the heart of their country is the chilcote and river -- chilcotan river. they have fought to protect it ever since the european settlers came here. now the chilcotan nation is fighting a new battle. the claim the land sits on one of canada's largest mineral deposits. a local mining company wants to tap it. >> the project is go back -- does go back into the 1970's and 1980's, particularly in the 1990's, when it was shut out by the department of fish and oceans and they look at the project and the impact of the project and were not interested in allowing the project to go forward. time went on. blago climates changed in british columbia and cana