i mean here we are, as working class people, arguing over how to best surveil, coerce, and encage eachher, while the financial elites and the political elites who are really, frankly, the cause of many of these vast inequalities and social problems, go completely unobserved. so, very quickly, if you're called to somewhere here in silicon valley, and you might have the impression, or your officers, that the company or that corporation would not want that camera on. are you saying that you will still do what you have to do? yes, depending on what the circumstances are our policy will dictate. if it's an enforcement-type action where the officer's initiating activity, then our policy requires us to have the camera on. but if we're going there to answer a call for service because maybe they had an internal theft or something like that, discretion then comes in at that point. if you're reporting the crime, i may not record that conversation. but if you have an individual responsible for that theft detained, and i go in to talk to that person, then i'm going to put the camera on that person