created this by using verbal dee de-escalation and the chief would sign bhi way of letter of com endation. -- comendation. i think this was a cultural change, and i think talking to people, we wanted to emphasize the positive. we wanted to emphasize the nurturing. we wanted to emphasize how special that officer was to do that. that leadership had to go out into the mental health partners to bring the partners into together in a better understanding. we would have mental heelt health professionals ride with law enforcement to make sure they understood our role as law enforcement officers. the person that is a coordinator, he needs to have a voice and resonate into a command staff level in that where it signifies to the supervisors and to the other men and women of the department that this is a new direction. that person has a big responsibility. he has a responsibility to know that it works. so they have to have a clear understanding of the organization especially within uniform patrol. they have to have the skills used to bring people together and a way of discussing these issues. there a