scientists are working with endeu endeuced ips cells to one day grow organs an tissues. it is not just giving people new hope, it's helping with the development of new drugs. >> cells under a microscope. these are artificially made cardiomyocytes or heart muscle cells they can grow into any cell on the body also called versatile cells. ips cells were first made from cells taken from human skin and culturing them. when these cells were created, culture fluid played an important role. this professor at the university produced this fluid. in 2003, reprocell a firm led by professor nakajuchi did the research. the company became the first in the world to produce a particular type of cell from an ips cell, they were cardiomyocytes. the heart muscle cells are known in a culture the company developed. it takes about two weeks. fluid contains protein and nutrients like genes, it directs ips cells to become cells. >> translator: development of culture fluid is the key process in the development of cells. >> when new drugs are developed, the heart cells are used to test their toxic