and in this space, there are really only two pure plays, transocean and endsco.y good on paper. but rigs fleet was aging and the distressed by the bp spill. i remember reading an article stating that transocean had more to do with the tragedy than bp did. i've always feared the open-ended liability. endsco had all of the good with none of the bad. had a broader customerization including chevron. and taking shares from transocean left and right. contract prices were on the upswing, plus the company got a good deal, someone said it stole pride international. i said not only would ensco blow away numbers when reported, but it had a multiple year, multiple year earnings path as clients won't cancel the deep water rigs because it plummeted for a couple of days. the company reports a terrific quarter, oil goes up and next thing ensco rallies around 14 points. it's the time i own my stock for the charitable trust. i thought the story was so fabulous, though, that i got greedy. trust only trimmed a bit of the positions, took very little off the table, even though that is