the imct t librar fctio a duction in pgram oms, eneas, also l i undergun wh e naturall, and inms of unconality the creases brary stfing costsiner toro scesn o l. a. neanas orthernswasexamin thisecsis thate adtion wouldontinue wnward. reing even melels t the budiccessiblethr lif or elevs. eas expansion wraps aroun the nniscourts and dilaces e exisng childr's playground. creates an l-shap library, and iis sti on fo lels. o pject ahicts e if you ve any questions from e rspeive of t liary, eh of these options has e effect exerbating probms o existin building, resulting from th extreme nstricon of t site ane exe grt change. r a busy library moving thousands of items and peopl veryday, these ctional layout isss are verynd have full-- very impactful. he cost of orang services mtiple levelwould eate a rect impact on the services weanprove the comty. the indingthat the building has historicntegrity in t report means it has notbee changed orrenovated it is impornt toote that the reon it ha not b renovated is becau rovation would yield aubset of library and negativempace ounding arks whichleads to ur fou