the upshot is that the energy metabolism speeds up and body weight declines. in tests with it works but the amount of weight loss is modest so something else is needed another component to the fact that. there are so many non-prescription weight loss pills out there and many are entirely useless some are worse than useless. they're harmful even if they claim to be all natural. works at the german institute of human nutrition in pottstown. of times there are various substances that bind fat in food but the effects are variable and mostly minimal it and almost always come with side effects when large amounts of dietary fat don't get absorbed into the body but remain in the gut it's broken down by bacteria that causes intestinal problems diarrhea or gas it can be very uncomfortable i can't recommend it. so in theory. it gets really dangerous when diet pills include banned substances that are toxic. tremaine in particular has been associated with serious cardiovascular events and that's why it's not licensed for use in the european market but products containing i