from these places, all the authenticity that was before the reconstruction, the representative of enescoppreciated our work, appreciated our materials and gave a very high rating for subsequent entry into unesco, this is a sliding navigation bridge, used for the passage of ships and for pedestrian cyclists . the uniqueness of this bridge is that all the work, raising, lowering, is done manually, all these parts, the chain, are preserved, exactly as it was done about 200 years ago, the time of lowering or raising the bridge is approximately 10 minutes, people like it, people come with pleasure, and we don’t have this happening anywhere in belarus. we have two ships, today this is the most exciting journey for tourists, a sailing trip, i am already working on navigation on the neman motor ship, there are a lot of tourists , this year there are more than ever, people are happy, everyone likes everything, a lot . they come, and it’s nice that there are a lot of our local belarusians, some of them are even better than in the maldives. our business cards on channel, this is a lock, when the sh